Back and neck pain is a common complaint. In fact, research shows that 90% of people will have back pain or neck pain at some point in their lives. Isolating the parts of the body that are producing neck or back discomfort is not always straightforward. Arms, legs, and even the head may experience pain that radiates. Each pain episode has the potential to intensify, persist longer, and spread farther from its initial location. If you can identify the source, you might require pain medication or surgery. A Physiotherapy Clinic In Ahmedabad like Rewalk Robotic can help you get relief from both through the best physiotherapist in Ahmedabad.
The ligaments, tendons, muscles, and joints that support the spine are the primary targets of physical therapy for back and neck discomfort. Specific stretches, exercises, adjustments. With all of these Physiotherapists at Rewalk Robotic for Physiotherapy in Ahmedabad, you get back to your normal routine and can work without pain.
Various techniques, such as ice and heat therapy, massage therapy, electrotherapy, and ultrasound, are included in passive physical treatment provided at Rewalk Robotic, Physiotherapy Center Ahmedabad. Heat or ice therapy can help to loosen up tight muscles, decrease discomfort and swelling, and enhance blood flow for recovery. Massage therapy helps to relax muscles and lessen pain. Electrotherapy modifies pain signals by sending electrical impulses to the sensory nerves. It feels somewhat warm and eases discomfort while calming the muscles.
In the initial phase of Physiotherapy in Ahmedabad the best physiotherapist at the Physiotherapy center Ahmedabad will do an evaluation to identify the underlying cause of your back or neck pain before any treatment even starts. You could measure your range of motion with a goniometer. There will also be a strength test. Along with measuring the mobility of the spine, painful or stiff muscles will be felt. We will take a thorough medical history. You can talk about the things you can no longer do. Your functional mobility will also be assessed by a physical therapist by having you complete a few tasks. In conclusion, a thorough evaluation of your physical state will be performed, and a customised treatment plan will be developed to address the root of your back or neck problems.
Your back or neck pain can have a variety of causes; thus, an individual treatment plan is created for you. It could be brought on by osteoarthritis, whiplash, disc herniation, degenerative disc disease, a sports injury, or bad posture. When the gel-like substance inside the disc bulges or leaks out, it causes a herniated disc. When the discs become worn out, degenerative disc disease develops. Osteoarthritis is a result of wear and tear on the facet joints and can lead to sciatica by pinching a nerve root and causing friction when bending. Additionally, sprains and strains to the neck or back are prevalent among athletes who play sports.
Physiotherapy, regardless of the underlying reason for neck or back discomfort, has been shown to be effective. Call Rewalk Robotic Physiotherapy Clinic in Ahmedabad right away if you're experiencing neck or back discomfort to see how physical therapy can help you get back in the game and live pain-free. Our Best Physiotherapist in Ahmedabad has credentials and years of practice. At our Physiotherapy Center Ahmedabad, we can assist you as they have many others.
Call us at +91 994 108 1080 to find out how we can put you on the road to recovery. When we have a cure, there is no need to endure discomfort.